I was so happy to start my new day today. Makcik dah sambung belajar u ols. Hehhehe.. I've made up my mind. I need to have better qualification to step up further in my carreer wise. I've decided to persue courses which related to my work currently. Mebbe not much that I do know, but to have an opportunity to develop my skills and knowledge specificly into this "line" there's a lot to miss. I was so thrilled nak sambung belajar. Dah lama nak sambung, since abang dapat offer from UITM. Masa tu undecided nak sambung course apa. When I started my first job as QS makcik dah bole rasa it's so hard for me to be in engineering sector. Nak mintak keje punya la susah. Memang tough la, pegi site,kite sensorang je pompuan kat site, wear boots and what not, I admit memang tough. I dun really mind actually, cuma bila keje bidang construction ni yang paling tak tahan sekali, gaji masuk tak tentu. Itu baru contractor class C. Kadang ade project ader la, tapi bile maincon lambat buat payment gaji pun tertunggak. Penah makcik tak dapat gaji 2 bulan, pastu dapat half payment, pastu kejap dapat gaji, kejap idak berturut2 smp 6 bulan. Mana tahan babe! Nak makan hape? "Makan loti loorrr...." aiyoh!
Sudah lah perit nak kenang peristiwa masa keje kat site. Kawan ngn Bangla, mamat2 Indon nih biasa la.. apa yg makcik tak bole lupa, keje ngn selut, site office dok dlm container kecik je, bergegar kotak tu masa keje drilling bore pile. Hehehehe, makcik hitam *opppsss.. tanned tau masa tu! Tak kisah la. Keje bidang yang lasak ni kene la tough sikit. I've no regrets about my past. When I've decided to take this course, makcik berazam nak study hard! heheheheh.. hopefully bukan "hangat-hangat taik ayam.." Doa kan kite success ok?!!
Happy werkin~~!
* Bye-bye..I need to go buy pencil box..
2 months ago
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