Eii today.. arini aku sentapz!! yeahh sentapz sesangat. Ngn sorang manusia ni. I dunno la kan. Keep hearing that she will just complaint just about anything. Over sensitive, and sume nak orang jaga hati & perasaan dia. Well, excuse me?? who r u?? I dun give a deym okeh!! HELL YEAH. Makcik marah.
Letme story to you. All this while, Im working on my own and listening to music nak elak mengantuk, boring and what not. Bear in mind pls, makcik pon tau la kat office, so Im using headphone ok?? Headphone yg ai gigih tempuh maknusia mcm ulat time PC Fair kat KLconvec. Takde la canggih mana headphone ni. Bole la setakat nak dengar walaupon ada Bass bagai kan?
huk huk huk.... tengah syok2 layan lagu nie, makcik sorang ni tetiba mai kat work station aku mintak lower down volume. Aku tak paham? memula ingat dia mai kat tempat aku nak pinjam liquid paper ka apa ke.. hmm sekali katanya "could you pls lower down ur volume?" aku jadik heran. Apa yg dia nak?? Seharian arini, orang lalu lalang, cakap2 depan tempat dia, sembang-sembang.. yang org gelak-gelak kat pantry pon tak de dia sound2. Klo kat pantry tu lagi la kan? Toksah cakap klo dengar macam-macam bunyi..org menguap la.. huh!! tu lagik la. Tak dak etiquette (betull ke aku eja nie? argh blasah la ..aku tgh hangin nie) At least klo dengar ujung-ujung poooonnn kan.. tempat dia bukan tepi aku pon... pepenjuru.. hmm cena ek.. klo nak kira, orang sebelah dia pon ade gak td pagi, pasang lagu, tak dengar, from headphone gak!! Biar je atas meja.. takde plak makcik ni nak tensi-tensi.
Hmmm memang betul-betul dia ni ada sakit ati kat aku yg dia tak tau nak lepas cemana, ada peluang dia annoy .. nak lepas geram la tu kot. Lantak ko la.. klo aku dengar FULL BLAST pon.. telinga aku yg pekak!! Telinga aku yg TULI!! aku tak mintak insurans ko cover pon..
Im telling yea~~!!! Leave me alone!! I Don't care what u r thinking or your dissatisfy. Becaused, I don't have anything to do with you. If you have mental problem, kindly pleasseeee seek help from psychiatrist !!
Note : I actually wikipedia and search this!!
( psyco = a psychopathic or neurotic person)
Thats Y my status of the day today :
"I leave in my own Bee Hive.. dun come and jolok-jolok!!! U'll make the Queen Bee angry.. go sit @ ur place and mind your own bisnez!!!"
2 months ago
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